This guide will take you through swapping your autocal menu to the new updated BNR menu.

Download the 3 files here, and save them somewhere on your PC.

1. Copy the 2 image files "BNRGREEN.png" and "BNRSPLASH.png" from your PC to the Menu->Images folder on the autocal in EFILive Explorer. 

2. Copy the file "BNR Tuned Menu.txt" to Documents\EFILive\V8\User Defined Menus

3. Open EFILive Scan and Tune and click F6: Devices

4. Click on F5: Options

5. Click the 3 dots to browse to the menu file

6. Select the BNR Tuned Menu file and click Open

7. Click Install

That's it, the autocal should reboot and it should now show the custom menu.