To begin the data logging process, download and install HPTuners VCM Suite, you can get it from HERE.
Download the config file attached to this email, and save it to your computer in a safe location.
Plug the HPTuners RTD into your vehicle and your laptop.
Open VCM Scanner
Select "Recent Channel Configs", then "Open Channel Config"
Select the file that we sent to you.
Once you've selected the file and clicked open, start the vehicle and get it up to operating temp.
Once the vehicle is at operating temp, click the red "Start Scanning" button.
Once you see numbers/data, the logger is running. You can now drive the vehicle around. Capture some idle, part throttle, normal driving, and a few wide open throttle pulls through a few gears. Do this in a safe area, without breaking any laws. DO NOT stare at the laptop screen, please pay attention to the road and exercise caution.
When you have finished recording, stop the scanner by clicking the "Stop Scanning" button.
Save the log file by clicking the "Save Log File As" button.
Reply to this email or send a new email to [email protected] and your log file will be reviewed. Please note that this review process can take up to 7 business days depending on our current tune load. If you need expedited review for a no-start situation, or another major issue that makes the vehicle undriveable, please additionally email [email protected] so that we are aware of the issue and your log will be expedited.